Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My String Is Laughing At Me

My string is laughing at me. Yes, the pullover for Cici is still in progress, still a UFO, and still laughing at me. In fact, all of those ends that I must weave in from the striping is more like peanut gallery guffawing. It's even pointing at me while it laughs!

I mean seriously, count with me here... I have dark purple (1), lavender (2), baby blue (3), mint (4), lemon (5), apricot (6), and back down through lemon, mint, baby blue, lavender, and dark purple (7, 8, 9, 10, & 11). 11 stripes. Now multiply that by 2 to account for each end of the yarn, and then by 4 to account for the four sections of sweater on which I have to weave in the ends, and that gives me 88 ends to weave into their respective colors.

You see? They're laughing at me. And pointing.

In other news, I found out that the Tae Bo class that totally kicked my rear end was not only not a beginner course, it wasn't even an intermediate course, it was the ADVANCED Tae Bo class. It was not labeled as such on the class schedule. At this point in my exercising career, I do not feel one ounce of badness from not being able to kick it with that class level.

I'm hitting the beginner step class again tomorrow. Now there's a class I can stick around in.

Back to my string, I've got the front and back shoulder seams sewn up and the collar knitted up, one sleeve seam sewn and I plan to finish the second tonight. All I have left (all, All she says! The string is still laughing...) to do is that second sleeve, sew on the sleeves and up the sides and weave in those 88 ends. Fun fun, I'll finish it this weekend hopefully. Perhaps over some wine...

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